The Benefits of Medical Alert Systems

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As we age or care for aging loved ones, the top priority becomes ensuring their safety and well-being. While we can’t control the unexpected, we can take proactive steps to empower ourselves and our loved ones with the tools they need to feel secure and independent at home. 

This is where medical alert systems come in. These innovative devices offer a simple yet powerful solution for proactive safety and immediate access to help in emergencies, providing individuals and their families with the invaluable gift of peace of mind. 

Let’s examine the life-changing benefits of medical alert systems and how they can bring greater comfort and security to your life.

Key Takeaways

  • Medical alert systems reduce emergency response time, using one-touch emergency response, direct communication, and operators coordinating with emergency services giving rapid assistance and increasing survival rates.
  • There are numerous options, including in-home systems that can be placed in any room, wearables, pocket devices, and discreet smartwatches.
  • These comfortable and easy to wear systems contribute to the independence and safety of older adults with features like fall detection technology, GPS tracking, water-resistance, extended battery life and offering a cost-effective alternative to continuous caregiving or long-term care facilities.
  • Medical alert systems are financially viable compared to assisted living.

Swift Assistance During Medical Emergencies

Innovative medical alert systems are designed to offer immediate help during a medical emergency. They increase survival rates by significantly reducing response time during drastic situations such as heart attacks or falls. A Study published by the National Library of Medicine shows that for every minute of prompt response following an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the chances of survival increase by 7-10%.

The importance of a rapid response cannot be overstated, and medical alert companies are increasingly important in providing these life-saving systems. Understanding how medical alert systems work is important to maximizing their benefits.

One-Touch Emergency Response

An important feature of medical alert systems is the one-touch emergency response. It ensures rapid assistance during critical situations like strokes or heart attacks. These systems are designed for ease of installation and use. 

  1. Help Button Press: Pressing the emergency button on the medical alert system triggers an immediate alarm.
  2. 24/7 Emergency Call Center Alert: The alarm is sent to a dedicated emergency call center staffed 24/7.
  3. Emergency Response: the call center operator may first contact the user to assess the situation and determine the best course of action, which could involve contacting:
  • Family members
  • Neighbors
  • Emergency services

Operators can contact neighbors, family members, or emergency services based on the individual’s need.

Direct Communication with Monitoring Center Staff

Another significant feature of medical alert systems is direct communication with monitoring center staff. Upon pressing the help button, two-way communication is established, transmitting the user’s information and location to emergency operators. This allows the staff to immediately assess the severity of an incident and respond with prioritized actions, ensuring that appropriate emergency services are dispatched quickly.

Unlike traditional emergency calls, our dedicated operators remain on the line with you throughout the entire process. This means a friendly voice will offer comfort and support until help arrives. We understand that having someone there can make a big difference, especially during emergencies.

Coordination with Primary Health Care Services

Medical alert devices offer timely medical support through direct communication between users and call center operators, who can, in turn, call emergency services if necessary. Users can carry a medical alert system like wristbands, which assist in managing their medical conditions and alert healthcare providers in the case of an emergency.

An extra benefit is that, if desired by the user, medications can be kept on file so that information can be shared with the emergency response team in the appropriate situations. This can potentially save lives by allowing the emergency services to proceed with whatever action is required in a safe and swift manner.

Enhanced Independence for Older Adults

Older adults are empowered to live with greater independence through medical alert systems. They allow them to:

  • Maintain Active Lifestyles: Knowing help is readily available empowers older adults to engage in everyday activities confidently they may have previously avoided due to fear of falling or being alone in case of an emergency.
  • Faster Response to Emergencies: Medical alert systems ensure a faster response time from emergency personnel, potentially minimizing the severity of the situation and improving overall health outcomes.
  • Reduce Fear of Being Alone and Unable to Get Help: The constant availability of assistance through a medical alert system lessens the fear of being alone and unable to call for help in case of an emergency. 

While considering various senior care options, it’s essential to understand the associated costs. Here’s a brief comparison:

  • Medical Alert Systems: Starting at $34.95 monthly, we offer emergency response and peace of mind.
  • In-home care: On average, it costs $4,000 to $8,000 monthly.
  • Nursing Homes (Semi-Private Room): The national median is around $6,841 monthly.

It’s important to remember that medical alert systems are not a substitute for comprehensive care. However, for $35, they can provide a valuable safety net and peace of mind for seniors who wish to maintain their independence at home, potentially delaying the need for more intensive and costlier care options. 

Fall Detection Technology

As our parents age, a natural concern arises about their safety, particularly the risk of falls. Medical alert systems with fall detection technology offer a valuable solution, promoting both their independence and your peace of mind.

How Fall Detection Works:

These medical alert systems utilize tiny sensors called accelerometers. Worn as a smartwatch, pendant, necklace medical alert device, or clipped onto clothing, these accelerometers measure movement and changes in position. When a fall occurs, the sudden and significant change in movement triggers an alert sent to a 24/7 monitoring center.

For more information, see our post on how medical alert fall detection works.

Why Fall Detection is So Useful:

  • Immediate Response: The monitoring center quickly assesses the situation and dispatches help. This is necessary in minimizing the impact of a fall and ensuring timely medical attention.
  • Reduced Worry: Knowing your parent has this safety net in place allows you to relax more, trusting that help is readily available should a fall occur.
  • Empowers Independence: Fall detection empowers your parent to feel more confident in everyday activities without constant worry. The knowledge that help is a button press away allows them to maintain their independence and continue living an active life for longer.

Additional Benefits:

Our systems with fall detection also offer features like:

  • Two-way communication: Allowing your parent to speak directly with a monitoring center personnel for non-emergency situations.
  • GPS tracking: Our systems offer location tracking for added security, which is especially helpful if your parent wanders outside

For optimal performance, fall-detection systems can easily be worn with our lanyards and feel no different to a pendant or necklace. Further good news is these devices are engineered to be water-resistant for safe use in the shower.

GPS Tracking for Location Peace of Mind

Our medical alert systems also include GPS tracking, further boosting security and peace of mind for you and your parent.

Imagine your parent, wearing their medical alert device, decides to walk in the park. They experience a sudden medical issue, become disoriented, and are unable to call for help. 

With GPS tracking, the emergency response team can quickly and efficiently locate your parent’s exact position. This precise location information is invaluable in directing responders to your parent’s exact location, potentially saving precious time and minimizing the impact of the situation.

Wearable Device Comfort

Our devices are lightweight and can be worn as pendants or bracelets without causing discomfort during daily wear. For example, the Sidekick weighs just 1.4 ounces! Like our others, this lightweight model allows the user to go out and about without feeling weighed down.

Modern medical alert devices often resemble everyday wearables like fitness trackers or smartwatches, avoiding the stigma that can sometimes be associated with medical devices.

It’s important to acknowledge that some seniors might feel embarrassed or hesitant to use a medical alert system.

Here’s why they shouldn’t:

  • Medical alert systems are not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards maintaining independence and safety.
  • These devices empower seniors to live fully, knowing help is readily available.
  • They offer peace of mind not just for seniors but also for their loved ones.

Furthermore, several options ensure safety and discretion, even for hesitant people.

  • Discreet design: Many of our systems, like the Luxury, come in stylish and inconspicuous designs.
  • Multiple wearing options: Some systems offer different ways to wear the device, such as pendants or watches, allowing for a choice that best suits the individual’s needs and preferences.
  • In-home options: If your parent prefers a completely non-wearable option, in-home systems offer discreet help buttons strategically placed around the house.

Cost-Effectiveness and Value

As mentioned earlier, medical alert systems are considerably cheaper than assisted living facilities. By using these systems, individuals can avoid the large expenses tied to continuous care or live-in facilities while maintaining independence and access to emergency services.

According to Genworth Financial, the monthly costs of in-home caregiving are substantially larger than those of medical alert systems.

Monthly Monitoring Fee vs. Long-Term Care Costs

  • In-home care generally falls within the $4,957 to $5,148 monthly range, depending on the specific services provided.
  • Community and assisted living options offer varying costs, with adult day care being the most affordable at an average of $1,690 per month, while assisted living facilities average around $4,500 monthly.
  • Nursing home care is typically the most expensive option, with an average cost of $7,908 per month for a semi-private room.

These costs are staggering in comparison to our monthly rates that start at just $34.95/month for our At Home system.

Equipment Fees and Insurance Coverage 

Standard Medicare will not usually cover the cost of any medical alert system. Lifestations offers a variety of solutions that meet most family budgets. Contact our Customer Service division to discuss our available plans and systems. Our kind and empathetic staff will help determine whether the individual seeking a medical alert system is eligible for covered benefits.

Technological Advancements in Personal Emergency Alarms

Here’s a brief list of some technological advancements seen in our improved medical alert systems:

  • Improved battery life: Our systems now offer long-lasting batteries. Our mobile devices last up to 5 days on a full charge, and our in-home system typically lasts up to 4 years and does not require charging.
  • Fall detection: This technology uses advanced sensors to detect falls and automatically trigger a response from our call center.
  • Two-way communication: The device allows users to speak directly with emergency personnel, allowing for real-time communication and assessment of the situation.
  • GPS tracking: This feature allows authorized individuals to locate the user, providing peace of mind and aiding emergency response efforts in locating the user’s specific position.
  • Pedometer: The Sidekick Smart tracks steps, encouraging healthy habits and monitoring activity levels.
  • Integration with smart home devices: Certain systems, like Alexa, can connect with smart home devices. Thus, you can track your loved one’s location with minimal fuss.
  • Health monitoring features: Our Sidekick Smart offers heart rate monitoring. For the most active, this allows them to keep one eye on their pulse and the other on the path ahead.

Best Practices When Choosing a Medical Alert System

When choosing a medical alert system, careful consideration of the user’s lifestyle, personal circumstances, and features that align with their routine and health needs is required. It’s crucial to involve the potential user in the selection process to ensure they are comfortable and will effectively use the system.

This section will explore the best medical alert practices for choosing the most medical alert systems, ensuring you find the best system for your needs.

Assessing Features for Personal Needs

Features to prioritize when selecting a medical alert system:

  • Fast average response time
  • Fall detection capabilities
  • GPS tracking

Ensure the call button’s range is adequate for in-home systems, covering all necessary areas of the dwelling to maintain connectivity.

Each citizen or concerned child will have many questions regarding the specifics of your situation, so do not hesitate to ask our well-trained and kind staff. They will provide you with expert advice from our range of options.

Real Stories: How Medical Alert Systems Have Made a Difference

A 76-year-old great-grandmother, Frances Smith, experienced a close call when her kitchen cabinet collapsed, showing the lifesaving benefits of medical alert systems. Despite the shock and resulting injuries, her medical alert device swiftly contacted emergency services, leading to a prompt response by firefighters. The incident shows the importance of reliable medical alert systems for seniors, particularly when living alone. It also calls to attention the need for proper home installation work, as the investigation suggested the cabinets were improperly mounted. The story serves as a powerful reminder of how medical alert devices can offer immediate assistance in crisis, potentially saving the lives of you or your loved ones.

See the news story on this story here.

Emergency Contacts’ Experiences

Medical alert system users’ emergency contacts often report a sense of relief and security knowing that their loved ones can access help promptly in case of an emergency through a personal emergency response system. The swift response and comprehensive assistance provided by these systems reduce stress and worry for family members, particularly those who may not be in immediate proximity to provide help.

Summary: Benefits of Medical Alert Systems

Medical alert systems offer many benefits, from swift emergency assistance and enhanced independence for older adults to cost-effectiveness and value. They boast impressive technological advancements and are necessary in disease control and prevention. 

When choosing a system, it is important to assess features matching personal needs and understand contract terms and cancellation policies. Real-life stories highlight the difference these systems can make, offering comfort, safety, and peace of mind.

Are medical alert systems worth it?

Medical alert systems are worth it for individuals with a history of falls, balance issues, health conditions, or limited mobility, as they make calling for help during a medical emergency easier.

Why do I need a medical alert system?

A medical alert system is essential for calling for help during emergencies such as falls, injuries, or medical needs. It provides a means to connect with emergency assistance or loved ones.

What are the benefits of safety alerts?

Safety alerts provide immediate hazard prevention, foster a proactive safety culture, and lead to quicker evacuations during natural disasters or emergencies, ultimately enhancing public and community safety.

What features should I consider when choosing a medical alert system?

When choosing a medical alert system, prioritize features like fast response time, in-home range, fall detection, and GPS tracking while also considering your needs and lifestyle. These features are important for ensuring your safety and well-being.


  • Committee on the Treatment of Cardiac Arrest: Current Status and Future Directions; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Institute of Medicine; Graham R, McCoy MA, Schultz AM, editors. Strategies to Improve Cardiac Arrest Survival: A Time to Act. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2015 Sep 29. 4, Emergency Medical Services Response to Cardiac Arrest. Available from:

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